Friday, September 24, 2010

Office relocation

The bloody inmates (affectionately known as very very very irritating staff) in the mental ward (affectionately known as my department) are having a big moving day today. Their pointy hair leader (a.k.a manager) proposed a office makeover which according to him will boost the image of the department and improve staff morale.

I mean come on, with leaky roofs everywhere with no proper insulation or air circulation and top up with those stale carpets with rotten stench, it is a bloody waste of time really. Moreover, what the pointy hair leader is only moving the same old crap into different office layout. So it defeats the whole purpose anyway.  All he did was diverting attention away from the real issues faced by the department. Improving the image of the department??? Unlikely. Improve staff morale??? Bollocks. Just you watch, the euphoria will not last longer than one month and they will revert to their old self again.

Thankfully I had moved out that crap hole a couple of moons ago so I do not have to deal with them and their nonsense.

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