Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rice queen, potato queen and other queens - A quick guide to some gay stereotypes...

  1. Rice queen = Gay white male who prefers or exclusively dates Asian males.
  2. Sticky rice = Asian males who prefer other Asian males.
  3. Bean queen or Rice and bean queen = Gay white male who is primarily attracted to Hispanic and Latino males. Other variations are Other taco queen and salsa queen.
  4. Refried beans = Hispanic and Latino men who prefer other Hispanic and Latino men.
  5. Potato queen = A person who prefers or exclusively dates Caucasian men. Often, but not always, it is a younger Asian man who dates older white men.
  6. Mashed potato = Caucasian men who prefer Caucasian men.
  7. Dairy queen = A black or Hispanic male who prefers or exclusively dates Caucasian men. Also known as snow queens.
  8. Chocolate queen = A white male who prefers or exclusively dates black men. Also known as Coal Queen or Dinge Queen.
  9. Poutine queen = Used primarily in Canada, poutine queen refers to a gay male who is primarily attracted to French Canadian men.
  10. Curry queen = A gay male who is attracted to East Indian men.
  11. Hummus queen = A gay man who is attracted to Middle Eastern or Arab men.
  12. Size queen = A gay male who prefers or exclusively dates or has sex with men who have large penises or large build.
  13. Fruit salad = Refers to gay men who don't have a racial preference in their sex partners.
It is already hard to be a gay man. I just don't understand why the gay community would create such terms to segregate and discriminate among themselves. So much for the so called equality, acceptance and freedom...

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